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Chile Challenge trail rating numbers are 1-10 and are consistent with trail ratings for other similar OHV events, particularly the Easter Jeep Safari in Moab and the Winter 4x4 Jamboree in Hurricane UT.
Trails that are rated 1-3, considered Overland Trails; Stock Four-Wheel Drive Vehicle.
County dirt road maintained for higher clearance vehicles; Generally suitable for 2WD vehicles but 4WD required in adverse conditions.
County dirt road with infrequent or light maintenance after inclement weather. Steps up to 6 inches.
County road seldom maintained, with dirt, sand & rock surfaces. No steps higher than 12”.
Trails that are rated 4-5, considered Moderate Trails; Minimum 33" tires. Lockers recommended. Winch recommended.
Rutted and/or rocky road. No shelves, but rocks up to 9". Water crossings usually less than hub deep. Passable mud. Grades moderate, up to 15 degrees. Side hill moderate up to 15 degrees. 4WD under most conditions. No width problems for a normal size vehicle.
Road surfaces are rutted & rocky with ledges or boulders not exceeding 24”. Moderate grades up to 15 degrees, up to 6" holes, side hills up to 20 degrees. 4WD required. No road width problems for a normal sized vehicle. Driver's skill becomes more important and good vehicle approach & departure angles are helpful.
35" Tires, Front and Rear Lockers/Limited Slip, Enhanced suspension, working winch Rutted or rocky roads. Some steep grades. 4WD required.
Quite rocky or deep ruts. Rocks to 36" and frequent. Shelves to 6". Mud may require checking before proceeding. Moderate grades to 20 degrees. Side hill may approach 30 degrees. 4WD necessary. Caution may be required with wider vehicles. Body/rock slider damage possible.
Trail consists of loose rock with many ledges & boulders exceeding 24” & many steps exceeding 48”. Steep inclines & declines are prevalent. Rocks frequent and large, 12"-24" and may exceed hub height. Ledges may exceed 12" up or downhill. Grades to 25 degrees and side hill to 30 degrees. 1-1/2 vehicles wide. 4WD required. Driver experience helpful. Body/Rock Slider damage possible.
Minimum 37" tires, Enhanced suspension, Front and Rear Lockers, working Winch, minimum 100" wheelbase recommended
Trail consists of loose rock with many ledges & boulders exceeding 36”. Steep off camber inclines & declines are prevalent. Heavy rock and/or severe ruts. Rocks exceeding hub height frequent. Steep grades to 25 degrees and can be loose or rocky. Side hill to 30 degrees. One vehicle wide in many sections. Body damage possible. Experience needed. Vehicle modifications and enhanced suspension needed.
The average well equipped trail rig may have great difficulty in completing a trail of this rating! Steps exceeding 60". Steep inclines & declines with off-camber sections are prevalent. Steep grades over 30 degrees. Side hill over 30 degrees. May not be passable by stock vehicles. Experience essential. Body damage, mechanical breakdown, rollover probable. Extreme caution required.
Let the carnage begin! Buggy territory. Severe conditions. Extreme caution recommended. Impassable by stock vehicles. Winching required. May be impassable without a winch. Vehicle damage probable. Personal injury possible. Rollover possible. Extreme caution necessary. Rear Steer helpful but not required. Experience ESSENTIAL.
Every Chile Challenge trail is rated from 1 (easiest) to 10 (most difficult). These ratings are based upon dry road conditions. Inclement weather can increase ratings on all trails by one or two points. Numerically higher-rated trails are more likely to result in vehicle damage. Please remember, every vehicle is subject to inspection prior to final registration. This inspection will determine the vehicles capability to manage a certain trail rating.